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Inauguration of Intensive Pulse Polio Campaign was launched by worthy Principal secretary Mr. Atul Dulloo in the presence of DHS Jammu Dr. Samir Mattoo, Director Family Welfare Mr. Arun Sharma, Mission Director NHM Mr. Bhupinder Kumar, Deputy Director HQ Dr. Renu Sharma, Medical Supdt.Govt. Hospital Gandhinagar Dr. Chander Parkash on 10.3.2019 at Govt. Hospital Gandhinagar Jammu. Elaborate arrangements were made for spreading the awareness about Pulse Polio Eradication among masses. Principal secretary Mr. Atul Dulloo stressed upon the need for importance of Pulse Polio campaign to eradicate the disease from country.

Intensive Pulse Polio Immunization Campaign held on 10.3.2019 across Jammu Division.

Screening cum first Aid camp held at Peerkho today on 5.3.2019 on the occasion of grand bhandara of Maha Shivratri today .

DHS Jammu Dr. Samir Mattoo undertook an extensive tour of the border areas of Pallanwala , Khour , Marh , Shamachak and Kanachak today along with CMO Jammu Dr Danish Ayub Khan and the respective BMOs of the area . He took stock of the human resources and the availability of medical supplies and equipments . He gave directions to the concerned to maintain strict punctuality and ensure the availability of diagnostics and drugs at all these centres for the benefit of the patients .

DHS Dr Sameer Mattoo visited the centres of RS Pura on the border areas of Jammu today and took stock of the medical facilities in these centres . These include PHC Chakroi , PHC Sai and Sub Centre Jeora Farms . CMO Jammu , BMO RS Pura and other Officials accompanied him .

Today on 20th February,2019 inauguration of Critical Care Ambulance was done by Hon'ble MOS ,PMO , I/C of Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region, Personal, Public Grievances and Pensions Department , Atomic Energy and Department of Space Dr. Jatinder Singh at his Gandhinagar office Jammu in the presence of Director Health Services Jammu Dr. Sameer Matto , Director NHM Mr. Bhupinder Kumar , Mr SK Gupta MD J&K Medical Supplies Corporation Ltd. , Deputy Director(HQ) , Dr. Renu Sharma , Deputy Director (Schemes) Dr. Taslima Banno , CMO Jammu Dr. Danish Ayub Khan and all senior officers of Directorate Health Services Jammu. The Advance Life Supporting Ambulance inaugurated by Dr. Jatinder Singh is fitted with ventilators , defibrillator , oxygen supply and other advanced equipments which are life saving in case of critical emergencies. He also promised to donate more such ambulances in future for welfare of people of rural and hilly areas of J&K.

Conclusion of Sparsh Leprosy awareness campaign.
SLAC which kick-started on 30 January,2019 concluded today on 13 February,2019.The motive of program was to create proper awareness for self reporting, timely diagnosis & complete MDT ( Multi Drug Therapy) of Leprosy cases which are crucial for ultimate eradication of the disease at district and Block Level. The program ensured active public & Community participation by religious heads, educational institutions,social workers,NGO s & other voluntary organizations to wipe out the stigma and discrimination associated with the disease.
IEC activities were carried out at the district & Block Levels from 30.1.2019 to 13.2.2019.

Visit of The Worthy Director Health Services Dr Sameer Mattoo to NTPHC Dablehar and PHC Arnia along with CMO Jammu Dr Danish Ayub Khan and Controller Stores Jammu Dr Kartar Chand today. Dated 12.2.2019

Director Health Services Jammu, Dr Samir Mattoo takes extensive tour of Distt. Kishtwar on 10/2/2019. He visited DH Kishtwar and interacted with the patients and staff. He then visited PHC Dachhan, PHC Marwah, Warwan and Chanderkote, the remotest and snow ridden areas of Distt Kishtwar. He interacted with the general public and the staff posted there. He took stock of the medicines and health facilities for the people available in the health institutions. He was carrying additional supply of medicines and disposables for the benefit of the people as these areas are unreachable right now due to heavy snowfalls. People were very happy to have DHS Jammu amongst them and thanked him for being the first Director to have visited in these conditions and providing additional supply of medicines for the welfare of people during these trying times. He also told the public that new Medical Officers have been posted recently for their welfare and assured them that Directorate of Health Services, Jammu will always be at the service of people who are living in these hard conditions. He was accompanied by Controller Stores, Dr Kartar Chand.

State level National Deworming Day was Launched on 8th Feb 2019 at 11 a.m by Worthy Principal Secretary Health and Medical Education, Sh.Atul Dulloo, in the presence of Director Health Services Dr. Samir Mattoo, Mission Director NHM, Sh. Bhupinder Kumar, CMO Jammu Dr. Danish Ayub Khan at Govt. Hr. Secondary School for Boys, Gandhinagar Jammu. Tab. Albendazole was given to all children of the School.

Visit of the Worthy Secretary Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Smt Preeti Sudan and Additional Secretary Sh Arun Singhla to Health and Wellness Centre Raipur Block Kot Bhalwal today on 4/2/2019 . Also accompanying the central dignitaries were Mission Director NHM , Dy Director HQ , CMO Jammu , DHO Jammu and BMO Kot Bhalwal .

Visit of worthy Principal Secretary Health & Medical Education Sh. Atal Dulloo along with Director Health Services Jammu Dr.Samir Mattoo, MD National Health Mission Sh.Bhupinder Kumar to AIIMS Site at Vijaypur to monitor arrangements done in view of forthcoming visit of Prime Minister Sh. Narender Modi ji along with Joint Director Planning Sh. Madan Lal ,Assistant Director ( Schemes) Dr. Sanjeev Puri & Chief Medical Officer Samba Dr.Rajinder Samyal .

DDC Doda Sh.Anshul Garg (IAS) kicked off SPARSH Leprosy Awareness fortnight Campaign in District Doda.
On the eve of Martyrdom of Father of Nation Mahatma Gandhi Anti Leprosy Day is celebrated at Doda. It is to pay homage to the Bapu by giving place to the leprosy affected people in family and society.
On this occasion, a campaign named as the ‘Sparsh’ Leprosy Awareness Campaign, is kicked off by DDC Doda with the aim to create awareness about Leprosy. During the fortnight awaness regarding leprosy shall be given in Gramsabhas throughout the District. This awareness campaign includes the following important information about leprosy to help leprosy affected people:

> Free of cost multi drug therapy is available at all government dispensaries, health centres and hospitals to provide complete treatment to the leprosy affected people.

> This facility is given to all the leprosy affected people because only timely treatment prevents disability (caused by leprosy).

> Some important symptoms of leprosy are like light color patches, redness, swelling and nodule formation over the skin. Person, who notice any of the above symptoms, must contact his/her nearest government dispensaries, health centres and hospitals in order to get early treatment and remain away from disability.

Today on 29.1.2019 Dr. Samir Mattoo Director Health Services Jammu visited AIIMS Site at Vijaypur & took stock of various aspects of arrangements done in view of ensuing visit of Hon,ble Prime Minister Sh. Narender Modi ji to the AIIMS site. Dr. Girish ,Dy. Director ( Dentistry) Health Services Jammu,Dr. Sanjeev Puri Assistant Director (Schemes) Health Services Jammu ,Dr. Rajinder Samyal CMO Samba,& Dr. Ravinder Singh accompanied DHS Jammu.

Dr.Samir Mattoo, Director Health Services Jammu chaired Monthly review meeting of Districts of Kathua, Samba, Doda, Kishtwar & Poonch today on 29/01/2019 which was attended by respective Chief Medical Officers along with Programme Officers of National Health Programmes in addition to Staff Officers of the Directorate.

Dr.SamirMattoo, Director Health Services Jammu chaired Monthly review meeting of Districts of Jammu, Rajouri, Ramban Reasi & Udhampur today on 28/01/2019 which was attended by respective Chief Medical Officers along with Programme Officers of National Health Programmes in addition to Staff Officers of the Directorate.

Celebration of National girl child day in different health institutions.

National Girl Child day observed at DH Ramban.

Director Health Services Jammu Dr Samir Mattoo visited PHC Tikri today on 19/1/19 and took round of the hospital and also interacted with the pts.doctors and paramedical staff. He was satisfied with the cleanliness of hospital and dress code followed by the staff.

Visit of Director Health Services Jammu Dr Samir Mattoo to District Hospital Udhampur.
He took extensive round of the hospital and it's surrounding He directed CMO to take up the issue of boundary wall of hospital.and coverage of municipal drainage within hospital premises with the district administration He directed medical superintendent of DH for proper documentation for the increase in scoring of NQAS. He also took the stock for preparation of H1N1

Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS) started at District Hospital Ramban.

A complicated surgical procedure was performed at District Hospital Rajouri on 17th Jan by a team of Doctors and Paramedics comprising of Dr Shalinder Sharma Consultant Orthopaedic, Dr Bashir Khan Consultant Anaesthesia, Dr Rashad Anjum Orthopaedic Surgeon, Ashok Sharma, Hafiz Manhas both OT technicians and Pervaiz Khan supporting staff on a child namely Asif Hussain S/O Abdul Hamid about 8 yrs old R/O Mahore District Reasi. The child was suffering from 2 yrs old post osteomyelitis gap with nonunion proximal humerus (upper arm). The surgical procedure was done with removal of dead bone and filling a gap of 7 cms by free fibular graft taken from leg with plating. The procedure was carried out free of cost by providing drugs, consumables, implant and blood transfusion keeping in view the very poor condition of the family. The child is stable and out of danger.

Director Health Services Jammu, Dr. Samir Mattoo pays surprise visit at DH Samba. He went to different sections of the hospital and inspected the standards of cleanliness in and around the hospital during the ongoing sanitation drive in health institutions of Jammu Division. He directed the staff to ensure the cleanliness and sanitation in their respective sections.

DHS Dr Sameer Mattoo along with Dy Director HQ Dr Renu Khajuria and CMO Jammu Dr Danish Ayub Khan inspected the SHTO complex Nagrota on 9/01/2019 . He issued instructions for activating all the sections of the service and repair centre and ordered that all the ambulances and supervisory vehicles of Health Department to be serviced inhouse at the centre

Director Health Services Jammu Dr. Samir Mattoo visited Govt. Rajiv Gandhi Hospital Gangyal Jammu & inspected the undergoing Construction work. He also deliberated in detail with the officials of JKPCC about the Qualitative aspects of the ongoing construction work. He also monitored the functioning of the Hospital. He was accompanied by Dr. Sanjeev Puri Assistant Director (schemes )Health Services Jammu ,Dr. Sanjay Turki STO Jammu & Dr. Poonam Mahajan Medical Superintendent of RGHG ,Jammu.

Director Health Services Jammu Dr. Samir Mattoo along with CMO Jammu Dr. Danish Ayub Khan undertook an extensive tour of Kot Balwal to monitor the construction work of 100 bedded Hospital.He further inspected Nursing & Midwifery School at Akhnoor & advised necessary modifications & additions to the building site. He also visited PHC Amb Garota & took round of various sections of the centre & emphasized on sainitation & cleanliness.

Advisor to Hon,ble Governor J&K Shri Vijay Kumar declared open the Medical Aid Centre (MAC) Muthi Phase-I for the public today on 30.12.2018 in presence of Divisional Commissioner Jammu Shri Sanjeev Verma& Dr. Samir Mattoo, Director Health Services Jammu. He also inspected the proposed site identified for construction of forthcoming Urban Health Centre (UHC) Muthi.He gave onspot instruction to the concerned officers to expedite the process of acquisition of land for the same.CMO Jammu Dr. Danish Ayub Khan,MO Stores Jammu Dr. Sanjay Sharma,MO LCP Dr. Shahid Hussain,Nodal officer NTCP Dr. Mridula Singh & Officers/ Officials of Health Department were also present.

Visit of Director Health Services Jammu at AH Vijay pur.He was accompanied by Dr. Sanjeev Puri Assistant Director (schemes) Health Services Jammu.

Visit of Director Health Services Jammu at AH Ghagwal.He was accompanied by Dr. Sanjeev Puri Assistant Director (schemes) Health Services Jammu.

Hon'ble Advisor Sir ,Mr. Vijay Kumar visited upcoming GMC Kathua, DH Kathua,MG Hospital Kathua on 29th of December 2018 in connection with completion of ongoing Projects for improving patient care facilities. Hon'ble Advisor Sir also gave instructions with regard to speedy completion of Residential building for Female MBBS students.He also directed for commencement of Dialysis Unit facility at DH Kathua .He was accompanied by Dr. Samir Mattoo Director Health Services Jammu, Principal of forthcoming GMC Kathua, Dr Sanjeev Puri Assistant Director schemes Health Services Jammu,Dr. MP Singh Nodal officer (NPCB) & MS Kathua.

Hon'ble Advisor Mr. Vijay Kumar & Principal Secretary Health & Medical Education Mr.Atal Dulloo along with Director Health Services Jammu Dr. Samir Mattoo visited upcoming Skill & Simulation centre at Regional Institute of Health & Family Welfare Nagrota (RIHFW). During the visit DHS Jammu,Dr Samir Mattoo informed about various aspects of the centre & formation of Lab. DHS Jammu also apprised in detail about the boarding , lodging & mess facilities for the trainees. Residential accommodation of National & International faculty was also deleberated.

A review meeting of Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme (RNTCP) Was held on 22.12.2018 in the conference Hall of Directorate of Health Services Jammu under the chairmanship of Dr. Samir Mattoo Director Health Services Jammu. The meeting was organised by Dr. Sanjay Turkey TB Officer.A brief discussion on the issues of RNTCP & performance was reviewed in the meeting.Dy. Director (schemes) Dr. Tasneema Bano, Assistant Director ( schemes) Dr. Sanjeev Puri,WHO consultants Dr. Syed,Dr. Sanjay Arora,all DTOs ,staff of State TB cell & DTC were present in the meeting..

Dr. Samir Mattoo Director Health Services Jammu today on 21.12.2018 inaugrated one day workshop on Cervical Cancer screening by liquid based cytology in Govt. Hospital Gandhinagar Jammu in collaboration with "Save Maa" a"corporate social responsibility" initiative by Jerath Path Labs & Allergy testing Centre.The Participants comprised Gynaecologists, staff of JPL,NCD Cell & officers of Directorate of Health Services Jammu.The technique will help to detect cervical cancer 10-20 years earlier.Testing kits were also provided to Gynaecologists. The facility will initially start in Govt. Hospital Gandhinagar Jammu,District Hospital Udhampur, Kathua,Samba,Reading,Kishtwar.

Visit to Civil Sectt. Dispensary by Dr. Samir Mattoo, DHS Jammu on 17.12.2018.

Director Health Services Jammu Dr Samir Mattoo chaired meeting today on 17.12.2018 regarding Physical & Financial achievements of National Health Programmes/Centrally sponsored Schemes in the office.He directed the Nodal officers to work hard & zealously to achieve the optimum target of the schemes.The meeting was attended by Dy. Director (HQ)Dr. Renu Khajuria,Dy. Director (schemes) Dr Taslima Bano, Assistant Director (Schemes)Dr Sanjeev Puri, Assistant Director (HEB)Dr. Sharda Parihar & all the Nodal Officers of Centrally sponsored schemes.

Director Health Services Jammu, Dr Samir Mattoo visited Govt. Medical Aid Centre, Muthi, Phase 1 17.12.2018. He took stock of the medical facilities available and also interacted with the staff. He was accompanied by CMO Jammu, Dr. Danish Khan..

Director Health Services Jammu, Dr Samir Mattoo visited CHC Bhaderwah at 8.30 p.m. He inspected the hospital and also interacted with patients and the staff.

Director Health Services Jammu, Dr Samir Mattoo visits Trauma Hospital, Thathri. He took round of the hospital and also interacted with patients and the staff. He appreciated the BMO and Staff for optimal utilization of the resources and maintaining cleanliness in and around the hospital. He was accompanied by I/C CMO Doda.

Free cataract surgery camp held at DH Rajouri today on 11th December,2018.

Director Health Services Jammu visits PHC Manjakot, District Rajouri on 8.12.2018.

Director Health Services Jammu, Dr. Samir Mattoo visited village Sawjian hamlets Paralkote & Batla hill via Khet village ( Sub Division Mandi, Distt. Poonch), on 8/12/2018 where the cases of deaf and dumb were reported along with CMO Poonch, Dr Mumtaz Bhatti

Visit of Director Health Services Jammu Dr. Samir Mattoo to NTPHC (New type Primary Health Centre) Kud.

Principal Secretary Health & Medical Education ,Mr Atal Dulloo along with Director Health Services Jammu Dr. Samir Mattoo visited proposed location for Jammu Skill & Simulation centre at Regional Institute of Health & Family Welfare , Nagrota. He also visited Govt. Hospital Jagti . He was accompanied by Dr. Samir Mattoo, Director Health Services Jammu,CMO Jammu Dr. Danish Ayub Khan, Assistant Director (Schemes)Dr. Sanjeev Puri along with Dr. Jatinder Koul , Medical Superintendent of the Hospital.

DHS Jammu Dr. Samir Mattoo inspected Skill laboratory at Govt. Hospital Gandhinagar Jammu.

Dr. Samir Mattoo, Director Health Services Jammu visits Evening Clinic Mubarak Mandi, Primary Health Centre Nagrota, Migrant camp Nagrota, Evening Clinic Gujjar Nagar, Urban Health Post Roopnagar, Urban Health Post Shakti Nagar

World AIDS Day 2018 being celebrated in various Health Institutions of Jammu Division

Director Health Services Jammu, Dr Samir Mattoo visits SDH R.S Pura. He monitored the hospital and also interacted with patients and doctors. He inspected the on going construction work of the new hospital and directed the AEE for some alterations in the registration section & O.T complex. He was accompanied by DD Schemes, Dr Robinder Khajuria & DD Planning, Mrs. Neelam Baru.

Director Health Services Jammu, Dr Samir Mattoo visits CHC Bani. He took rounds of the hospital and also interacted with patients and the staff. Patients and attendants expressed satisfaction with the services provided. He appreciated the BMO and Staff for optimal utilization of the resources and maintaining cleanliness in and around the hospital. He was accompanied by DD Schemes, Dr Robinder Khajuria and Dr Sanjay Sharma

Director Health Services Jammu, Dr Samir Mattoo visits CHC Basohli. He took rounds of the hospital and also interacted with patients and doctors. He directed the I/C BMO to nominate 1 Lab technician & 1 Staff Nurse for undergoing training at Blood Bank, Gandhi Nagar Hospital so that Blood Bank can be made functional at CHC Basohli. He was accompanied by DD Schemes,Dr Robinder Khajuria and Dr.Sanjay Sharma.

Director Health Services Jammu, Dr Samir Mattoo visits Trauma Hospital,Mahanpur. He took rounds of the hospital and also interacted with patients and doctors. He directed the I/C BMO to prepare requirements for the laboratory, Radiology & O.T. A deputation of local people also met the Director Health Services and apprised him about the demands regarding the hospital. He gave a patient hearing and assured them that very shortly, staff will be posted to make this hospital fully functional. He was accompanied by DD Schemes, Dr. Robinder Khajuria.

Surprise visit of Director Health Services Jammu to PHC Later ,Bhambla , block Pouni and PHC Pouni

J&K bags “Big State of the State Awards” instituted by India Today Group for its impressive performance in Health Sector. The Award was received by Principal Secretary Health & Medical Education, Atal Dulloo from the Vice-President, M Venkaihah Naidu in New Delhi on 22nd of November 2018

Surprise visit of Director Health Services Jammu to PHC Later ,Bhambla , block Pouni and PHC Pouni

Director Health Services Jammu, Dr Samir Mattoo visits AH Chowkichora. He took round of the hospital and also interacted with patients and doctors. He directed the I/C BMO to prepare requirements for the laboratory, Radiology & O.T. He also inspected the area demarcated for construction of Staff Quarters.

National Health agency (NHA ) GOI TEAM today visited District Samba regarding AB-PMJAY and to take stock of the ground arrangements of the BIS( Beneficiaries identification system ) application related problems, distribution of PM Letters, training of arogya Mitra to handle patient rush after launch of scheme. The officials visited DH Samba and EH Vijaypur in addition to CSC's at Town Hall Samba, Supwal and Vijaypur. The team was satisfied with the arrangements made by the Health deptt. and overwhelming participation of the people at these centres in the District. The team have asked to increase the awareness of the health scheme benefits to the people.

World Diabetes day observed at Govt Hospital Gandhi Nagar Jammu awareness lecture about the Non communicable diseases including Diabetes and it's prevention long lasting complications was delivered by Dr Chander Parkash MS,Dr Sangra Pediatrician ,Dr Usha Phycian .167 persons were also screen ed for Diabetes by conducting Free blood sugar test staff , patients& Paramedical students of Various PM training institute attended the function.

World Diabetes Day 2018 celebrated at District Hospital Doda on 14.11.2018

Ayushman Bharat -Pradhan Mantri Jan Aroygya Yojna inaugurated by DDC Ramban today on 12.11.2018.

World Antibiotic Awareness week commenced on 12.11.2018 in District Rajouri. It focused on reducing Antibiotic resistance. General public informed about use of antibiotics in right way, right dose, right time & right duration


MR vaccination & Schemes/ Programmes review meeting chaired by Principal Secretary Health & Medical Education today on 9.11.2018 in Government Gandhi Nagar hospital Jammu attended by Dr samir Mattoo,Director Health Services Jammu & officers of Health Department


National cancer awareness day celebrated in various institutions of District Udhampur on 7.11.2018.


Director Health Services Jammu joins Vishwakarma celebrations organized by HER( Health Equipment & Repair) section,DHS Complex Jammu.


On the directions of Hon'ble Advisor to Governor, Director Health Services Jammu,Dr Samir Mattoo visited Radiotherapy department of Govt. Medical College,Jammu. He was accompanied by DD Schemes. He visited the wards and also interacted with the patients. There was a complaint regarding the Day Care Ward, which was earlier under repair but the work is complete now. HOD Radiotherapy & Asstt. Medical Supdtt were present during the visit and apprised Director Health Services regarding some issues pertaining to the department

Flag off by worthy DDC JAMMU of Ayushman Bharat Rath

Flagging Off of Ayushman Rath by worthy Deputy Commissioner Kathua, worthy CMO Kathua and Dy. CMO Kathua, today at 1030 AM from DC Office Kathua

Ayushman divas celebration/awareness in district Udhampur on 1-11-2018

Ayushman bharat Diwas celebrations District Samba

MR Vaccination in schools, AWCs across District Samba

Free Eye Camp organised at DH Samba. Ten patients operated for cataract

MMU camp at Kandani village of disttrict Kishtwar where free medicines were distributed to the patients

MR Vaccination campaign in District Udhampur Block Pancheri

MR Vaccination Campaign District udhampur Block Basantgarh

Director Health Services Jammu, Dr Samir Mattoo pays surprise visit at AH Ghagwal. He took rounds of the hospital and also interacted with patients and doctors. He appreciated the I/C for the cleanliness in and around the hospital.

First aid arrangements for Annual durbar move employees at zero point Chenani Nashri tunnel

First aid arrangements for Annual durbar move employees at phc Garghi

First aid arrangements for Annual durbar move employees at Phc Tikri

🏻Annual Durbar Move First Aid Arrangements of District Ramban

First aid arrangements for Annual durbar move employees at zero point Chenani Nashri tunnel

Director Health Services Jammu, Dr Samir Mattoo pays surprise visit at AH Banihal and DH Ramban. He took rounds of the hospitals and also inspected the progress of construction work of new buildings at Banihal & Ramban

Cleft lip and palate case finding cum screening 🏻camp held by DEIC Manager in District Ramban in coordination with Maya foundation

Active Case Finding of Tuberculosis Patients workshop of District Jammu & Samba held held under the chairmanship of Dr. Chander Parkash Dy. Director Health Services HQ Jammu on 23rd October,2018

International Girl Child Day celebrated on 11th October 2018 With the directions of CMO Udhampur Dr K. C Dogra and under the supervision of BMO Chenani Dr Mohd Yaseen M. O PHC Jaganoo Dr Roopali Gupta along with Dr Rohit Sharma visited GHS Dhanal regarding celebration of International Girl Child Day organised by Jan Sangharsh NGO group chaired by Honorable MLA Basholi Former Health Minister Sh Lal Singh Choudhary ji

World sight day observed on Second Thursday of October 2018 inDistrict Kathua

An assessment/inspection of Govt Hospital Gandhi Nagar was done under the supervision of Mission Director NHM and Director Health Services Jammu Dr Bhupinder Kumar(IAS) alongwith Dr Chander Prakash Dy Director HQ, Dr L.D Bhagat Assistant Director Health and Family Welfare, Dr Harjeet Rai DNO Jammu,Dr Narinder Bhatial SNO Quality Assurance Dr Meenakshi Associate Programme Manager quality Assurance. The team was apprised about the facilities available in the hospital by Dr A.D.S Manhas Medical Superintendent Govt Hospital Gandhi Nagar Jammu and Dr Perupkar Singh Dy.Ms GNHJ

World Mental Health Day 2018 Celebrated at District Hospital Ramban under the Chairmanship of Dr. SAIF UD DIN KHAN CMO Ramban along with Dr.Dharamveer MS DH Ramban , Dr. Parvaiz Pathologist, Dr. O.P Dental Surgeon, Dr.Iqbal Malik Incharge Mental Health Programe Ramban NPCDCS Unit, Programe Management Unit and General Public .

Measles -Rubella (MR) Campaign being held across Jammu Division w.e.f 24th September,2018

Swachta Hi Sewa campaign held across Jammu Division w.e.f 15.09.2018 to 02.10.2018

Swachhta Pledge taking ceremony at DHQ Ramban by worthy CMO Ramban Dr Saif ud din Khan.

World Hearing Day 2018 observed on 3rd March,2018 at Govt. Hospital Gandhi Nagar Jammu .

Visit to the border of Nowshera area of Rajouri Distt Director Health services Jammu along with Divisional Commissioner jammu and IGP Jammu .

Vist of worthy DHS Jammu along with CMO Udhampur GNM school Beli under construction District Udhampur.

Honable MLA Bhaderwah along with worthy Director Health services Jammu and Medical Supdt GMC jammu receiving the Patients of tragic road accident of Doda at GMC Jammu for immediate medical treatment of the patients airlifted on 25th January 2018

State Level activities for the World Antibiotic Awareness Week, 13-19 November 2017.

Activities performed in different districts & blocks level regarding Antibiotic Awareness w.e.f. 13-19 Nov. 2017 in Jammu Division submitted as under:-
1. An Antibiotic policy of District Hospital Udhampur in term of a booklet has been released.
2. The rally taken out by the students of ANMT school Udhampur for spreading awareness about the importance of rational use of the medication among public.
3. A healthy discussion was held among Doctors regarding the judicious use of antibiotics and few suggestions were also sought also doctors were directed to adopt strict antibiotic policy.
4. Nukkad Natak were also performed by the students of ANMT school regarding the judicious use of antibiotics and not to take medicines without prescription.
5. A running Scroll on Local Channel as "If you get sick seek the advice of Health care professionals before using Antibiotics and never use leftover antibiotics or share them with friends or family. Antibiotics are precious , handle with care".
6. Audio Jingles were aired on Local FM and AIR Stations.
7. Awareness Lectures to the public regarding Judicious Antibiotic use held in every district of Jammu Division.
8. Photographs of different activities are enclosed for your reference please.

Hon'ble minster for H& ME Jenab Bali Bhagat along with the DHS jammu Dr Gurjit Singh today had a surprise visit of District Hospital Udhampur at 12 noon and while taking the round of the hospital, hon'ble minister interacted with patients and the staff and showed satisfaction over the functioning of the hospital.Checked the duty roster. All the staff was present as per the roster. Also interacted with the patients. Hospital administration have been directed to prepare DPR for Hospital canteen & a Conference Hall. Sites was also selected for the both.

World Mental Health Day was celebrated in District Hospital Udhampur in which Medical Superintendent along with child psychologist Amrita awared the public and staff about mental health at work places.

International day of Girl Child was celebrated in District Hospital Udhampur in which DC udhampur facilitated parents of newly born female children.and a signature compgain was orgnised in which people and staff pledged for Beti Bachao Beti Padao.

Celebration of International Day of the Girl child 2017 on 10th october 2017 & Mental Health Day 2017 held on 11th October 2017 at District Ramban(Jammu Division).

Review meeting of CMOs & Medical Superintendents of entire Jammu Division held under the chairmanship of Dr Gurjeet Singh Doodan Director Health Services Jammu.

Swachta Hi Seva Campaign CMO office Ramban


1. Cleanliness drive being carried out in the Office of Chief Medical Officer Jammu on 17/09/2017.
2. Cleanliness drive being carried out in all health institutions of Jammu District, Govt. Hospital Gandhi Nagar and Dy. Chief Medical Officer Jammu.

Review meeting of National Health Mission of Districts of Jammu Division held on 16th September 2017 under the chairmanship of Principal Secretary Health and Medical Education J&K.

Pledge taken by the staff of various Health Institutions of District Udhampur ( Jammu Division) with regard to Swachtha Hi Sewa Campaign.

Swachhta hi sewa campaign w.e.f 15th September to 2nd October organised on mass scale in entire Jammu Division . The campaign has been called by Hon'ble PM of India

Visit of DHS jammu dr. Gurjeet Singh Soodan to CHC R.S Pura

National Deworming Day observed in various districts of Jammu division on 10th August 2017 in convergence with ICDS and EDUCATIONAL Institutions etc. All the children between 1 to 19 yrs in Govt and private schoolsand ANGANWADI CENTRES were adminstered Tab. Albendazol (Anti worm Tablet)

Breastfeeding Week

Dh kathua

District Hospital Udhampur

District Reasi

Pictures of World Population Fortnight of District Jammu

RCH camp organised at PHC Latti Block Basantgarh Udhampur district on 25_7-17 by BMO Basantgarh through Gynaecologist , Anaesthetist,OT staff from Chenani & his staff of Latti ,10 NSV,1laproligation,2 copper T procedures conducted in addition to OPD

Disability Camp Held At Halla Ramban Today On 29-7-2017by The Team Of Doctors From D H Ramban 105 Certificates Issued

Supervision of Active TB Case Funding campaign under RNTCP in Panchari ,Tikri,Chenani Block of District Udhampur

World Hepatitis Day celebrated in Health Institutions Preventive & management was discussed in detail among staff,students & general Masses

Celebration of World Hepatitis Day 2017 District Udhampur

IEC activity done for active case finding of TB cases in Dist. Udhampur and Reasi

Pictures of World Population Fortnight of District Jammu.

Pictures of World Population Fortnight of District Jammu

Under construction Buildings of DH Ramban, CHC Banihal, and ANMT School Ramban

Under construction building of CHC Billawar & CHC Parole (District Kathua)

Under construction building SDH Akhnoor(District Jammu)

Under construction building SDH Jourian(Blcok Akhnoor) District Jammu

Newly Constructed building SDH Bishnah(Jammu District)

Review Meeting Of Jammu Division Under The Chairmanship Of Commissioner Secretary Health & Medical Education J&k Jammu Division

World Population Day Celebrations at District Udhampur

International Yoga day 21st June 2017

International Yoga day 21st June 2017 being observed at District Hospital Reasi

World tobacco Day was observed on 31st May 2017 in Jammu Division. On the occasion of world Tobacco Day 2017 a poster making event & seminar was organised in Conference Hall /Auditorium at Govt. hospital Gandhi Nagar Jammu where students of Govt. ANMT school & Doctors gave lectures on the subject.

DHS Jammu visited border migrants camps in Nowshera sector

Inauguration of buildings District Rajouri

Inaugurates sub centres


Celebration Of World TB Day 24th Of March 2017 At D.T.C Kishtwar

World TB Day was observed at D.T.C Kishtwar on 24th of March 2017. The theme of the day was “Unite to End TB”. Jenab Ghulam Nabi Balwan worthy District Development Commissioner Kishtwar was Chief Guest on the occasion. Dr. Abdul Majid Malik Chief Medical Officer Kishtwar was Guest of Honour & Dr. Wajid Ali Najar DTO Kishtwar presided over the function.

An impressive rally of school children was taken out from D.T.C Kishtwar to outskirts of Kishtwar town in which 10 schools participated. The rally was flagged off by Jenab Ghulam Nabi Balwan worthy District Development Commissioner Kishtwar, Dr. Abdul Majid CMO Kishtwar & Dr. Wajid Ali Najar DTO Kishtwar. Worthy DDC Kishtwar, CMO Kishtwar, District Immunization Officer Kishtwar, Dr. Sanjay Parihar Consultant Physician DH Kishtwar spoke on the occasion.

Dr. Wajid Ali Najar DTO Kishtwar gave a brief description of Tuberculosis and importance of DOTS under RNTCP in the cure of this disease in presence of School Children, Teachers & distinguished guests.

Pulse polio immunization campaign was launched by Hon'ble Minister Sh. Bali Bhagat ji today on 29th jan 2017 along with MoS Health Ms Asiea Naqash and Commissioner Secretary to Govt.(Health) Sh. M K Bhandari along with DHS Jammu, Director, Family Welfare,MD NHM alongwith other Officers and Officials of Health Department.

DHS Jammu Dr Gurjeet Singh Soodan also facilitated Intensified Pulse Polio Campaign especially in slum areas today in first round of IPPI 29TH JAN 2017

Shri Durga Dass Sharma Memorial Society organized a Health Mela at Village Thial in Block Majalta of District Udhampur ,in association with the Directorate of Health Services, Jammu on 24th and 25th of December 2016. A team of several doctors and paramedics from the Health Dept., including specialists from DH Udhampur and Govt Medical College , Jammu provided services to the people who came to the Mela from far off places.OPD services in the fields of Medicine, Surgery, Gynaecology, ENT , Orthopaedics , Skin and Ophthalmology were on offer . Ultrasonography and free screening for Diabetes was also provided at the Mela.Free medicines were also provided to the people.A large number of people benefitted from these services. Several patients were screened for cataract and were operated for cataract removal by a team of doctors from GMC Jammu.

The camp was inaugurated in the presence of several dignitaries including Director general ISM, Dr. Abul Karim Dar, Director Health Jammu, Dr. Gurjeet singh Soodan,Director FW, Dr. Baldev Sharma , Director J& K Aids Society, Dr. Sameer Mattoo , Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Chander Prakash and others.

Flagging off event of 136 Ambulances for J&K Health Department(out of which 71 ambulances are meant for Jammu Province) along with 3 critical care ambulances. Slowly and Slowly, we are going to curb the shortage of ambulances. From District Hospital to PHC's, we are committed to equip them with ambulances.

Keeping in view of the current situation in border areas, Chaired the meeting with All the CMO's of Border areas. 21 ambulances are there in Poonch, 12 are in Rajouri, 62 ambulances are in Jammu, 8 are in Samba and 12 in Kathua. All these ambulances have been deployed in border areas. There is no shortage of medicines. We are ready to face any kind of situation.

DHS Jammu Dr Gurjeet Singh Soodan convened a meeting with the Consultants of Govt Hospital Gandhi Nagar, Jammu and Sarwal, Jammu and advised them to prescribe Drugs/medicines to the Patients from Hospital Supply.